Contact information
  • Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
Sleeve information
  • Max. file size: 650 MB.
  • In order to provide an accurate sleeve storage system quotation we will require an inventory list of your sleeves including inside diameter, width, repeat or quantities of each sleeve in your inventory. Attach an excel (preferred format) MS word or PDF document.

Cart information
Comments / Questions

Head Office

Contact us directly, anytime.

Flex Essentials Inc.
2201 Newton St.
Victoria Harbour, ON
Canada L0K 2A0


Contact: Eduardo Lopez Gonzalez

Interpack Solutions SA de CV
Carrera 7 No. 71 - 21 Torre B Piso 13

57 -300-651-6978

(57 1) 313 5889 (fax)


Contact: Alejo Rodriguez Jurado

Interpack Solutions SA de CV
Av. Jesús del Monte 41, Piso 14
Col. Jesús del Monte
C. P. 52764 Huixquilucan, Edo. Mex

(+52-55) 5436 2157

Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemberg

Sales Rep: Maarten van Bergeijk

Current FlexStor Sleeve Storage Customers
